
Aniruddh Acharya ji Maharaj Fees, Wife, Family, Contact Number?


On Wednesday, Shri Anirudhacharya Ji Maharaj was born on 27th September 1989 in Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. On the banks of Maa Narmada and Vishnu Varaha just 9 km from the city God, The name was changed to Anirudhacharya Ji Maharaj. Maharaj Shri was a regular visitor to his village’s Shri Radha Krishna temple, where he engaged in the worship of Thakur Ji. They were a traditional cow devotee family and enjoyed serving Gau Mata. It was a pleasure to play with Gau Mata’s calves. Maharaja used to take Shri Hanuman Chalisa and Gita when he used to graze Shri cow. He used to recite the Gita daily to his classmates and take Shri Hanuman Chalisa and Gita. Because of his love for religious texts and service, Maharaja Sri was able to study Ved Puran, Shastras, and the grace of Thakur at Sri Dham Vrindavan. In his youth, Maharaja Shri could read the scriptures very quickly.

Maharaja Shri was initiated by Shri Ramanujacharya Sect in Shri Dham Vrindavan only. This was from the brilliant ascetic householder Saint Girraj Shah Shri Thakur. In the same period, Maharaja Shriji received the study of Shri Ram Katha in Ayodhya’s Guru of Anjani cave. Then, Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj blessed him and began to spread the Sanatan Dharma propaganda throughout India.

Aniruddhacharya Ji Maharaj Fees

Aniruddhacharya Ji Maharaj’s fees are approximately 7-10 lakhs Rupees for each story. His Bhagwat Katha is full. His net worth is between 4 and 5 crore rupees in INR.

Aniruddh Acharya ji Maharaj Wife photo:

According to some sources of information, Aniruddhacharya ji Maharaj is not married.

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Aniruddh Acharya ji Maharaj Father, Mother, Wife, Children Name

Father name : Shri Avadheshanand Giri

Wife name: not know

Mother name : not know

Children Name: not know

Aniruddh Acharya ji Maharaj Contact Number And Email ID

6399991599, 6399991699, 6399991799 and also you can contact him as the email 📧


His Website detail:

Rao Shab
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