Skin Care Guide

What is Rosacea And Rosacea Symptoms, Causes, Treatments


This is a hereditary skin disorder that also falls under the category of chronic. It is generally known to affect the forehead, nose, cheekbones and the chin. The subtle redness that takes over the affected skin is the first stage of this disorder. If rosacea is left untreated, it could turn into inflammation and will generally be accompanied by eruptions in the skin. These could even turn into permanent issues with the skin; and may also lead to ocular rosacea, a condition that affects the eyes.


Rosacea ends up afflicting over 16 million of the North American population. It is most commonly found in adults (30 to 65) and is known to affect children, although it is rare. It is most likely to afflict women with fair-skin.


This disorder is primarily related to the blood vessels of the facial area. It is generally caused by the dilation of blood vessels which are close to the surface of your skin. This will, in turn, cause the skin to break out, and the result is blotchy areas, which are called papules.

These papules can be classified into three categories – minor, moderate, and severe. A minor one will be the size of a measles lesion. A moderate rosacea related papule will be the size of a pencil eraser. A severe one, on the other hand, will be the size of a coin. This severe papule might even contain pustules.


Rosacea is a disorder that falls under the umbrella term of neurovascular disorders, and it affects the flushing zone. Sometimes you may see rosacea with the intervention of whiteheads and blackheads, but that doesn’t automatically make it acne.


  • Wash your face with lukewarm water. Make sure that it isn’t hot.
  • Use a gentle cleanser that is non-abrasive, and apply it with your fingers. Do not, at any point in time, use a cloth.
  • Blot-dry your face with a cotton towel. Do not rub.
  • Do not dry the skin out excessively, as this can cause irritation.
  • Choose non-comedogenic products when it comes to choosing your makeup. If you use too many layers of foundation and cover it up with concealers, it might do you a lot of harm. These will act as a mask and will trap all the bacteria inside the pores. If it is possible, give up on makeup totally. If you can’t imagine life without your concealer, then we suggest you go light on it.
  • A minimum of SPF 8 sunscreen is essential for you to prevent any symptoms that may be brought about by UV. The sun is generally one of the biggest reasons for a flare-up.

    Rosacea treatment: Choose appropriate treatment

  • Rosacea is a benign skin-disorder that is common and affects many persons worldwide. As studies conducted in 2008, it was found out that Rosacea estimated to affect 14 million persons in the United States alone. The main symptoms of Rosacea include pink or red patches, with visibly broken blood vessels on the skin, along with some tiny red bumps, maybe red cysts, and can also cause pink or red irritated eyes. This is known to be a facial condition.
  • Rosacea is a chronic or long-term and non-curable skin disorder having periodical ups and downs. This skin disease typically involves the central region of the face, cause persistent redness, ephemeral flushing over areas of the face, and on the nose that generally blushes — mainly the forehead, chin, and lower half of nose. Rosacea is commonly seen in person with fair/ light skin, and particularly prone are of Scottish and Irish backgrounds. Some of the famous people who have conditions of rosacea are former President Bill Clinton and W.C. Fields.
  • The redness of Rosacea often gets aggravated because flushing can lead small blood vessels in the face to dilate that is enlarged and making it more visible through the skin, with appearing of tiny red lines that are called telangiectasias. Continual and recurring episodes of flushing promote inflammation, which causes red bumps that resemble teenage acne. In fact, rosacea is frequently mistaken for being common acne. Rosacea is sometimes referred to as acne rosacea.
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Rosacea treatment

  • Rosacea is considered as incurable while it cannot be cured but can be controlled with proper as well as regular Rosacea treatment.
  • Some forms of the rosacea can be significantly cleared by using a laser, or intense pulse light, or photodynamic therapy, or even with isotretinoin (Accutane). Even though the disease is not considered as “curable” with proper Rosacea treatment, patients experience a long-lasting result and have a remission that is disease-free period time that can be for months to years.
  • For treating Rosacea, there are many choices for treatment, depending upon the severity and extent of the symptoms. Mild rosacea mostly does not require treatment, but if an individual is bothered by condition, then he can opt for treatment. More resistant forms of the case may require a combination approach that is combining several types of treatments for treating Rosacea at the same time.

A combination approach for treating can include

  • Home care:
    • Washing with a prescript sulfa wash, every day, twice a day,
    • Applying antibacterial cream in the morning and in night
    • Taking an oral antibiotic for the flares
  • In-office treatment:
    • Laser
    • Intense pulsed light
    • Photodynamic therapies
  • Rosacea treatment should be done and followed regularly as per your dermatologist’s advice, and before opting for any form of treatment, it will be better than you have a discussion with your dermatologist about it.

Topical creams:

    • Metronidazole and even azelaic acid works to control the redness and the bumps in the rosacea. Also, you might apply those creams in alternate like applying one in the morning and other in the night.
    • Sodium sulfacetamide in Klaron lotion is known to reduce inflammation.
    • Other topical antibiotic creams: erythromycin and clindamycin/ Cleocin
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Oral antibiotics

  • Oral antibiotics are prescribed to patients having conditions of moderate rosacea as these actually help in reducing inflammations and pimples.
    • Tetracycline
    • Doxycycline
    • Minocycline
    • Amoxicillin


  • Isotretinoin is prescribed to a patient who has conditions of severe rosacea. However, there is a need for close physician monitoring as well as blood testing while treating with isotretinoin.


  • In addition, keeping your skin clean is very important, so prescript or over-the-counter of sensitive-skin cleansers provide symptoms relief and helps in control.
  • Use Simple and pure products: Cetaphil/ Purpose skin cleanser.
  • These are gentle and less irritating.
  • Patients should avoid Harsh soaps, harsh lotions, excessive rubbing, and scrubbing the face.
  • Laser and intense pulsed light
    • Safe alternative
    • Helps to visibly improve skin and even complexion
    • Laser treatment can cause some sought of discomfort, but most patients are able to bear the procedure.
    • Ice packs and even topical anesthetic creams help in alleviating discomfort.
    • Multiple treatments are normally necessary.
    • The procedure not covered by most of the insurances
    • Treatments are recommended in about three- to six-weeks of intervals.
    • During treatment, sun avoidance is a must.
    • Risks involved and benefits gained along with alternative treatments must be reviewed with a dermatologist prior to your treatment.

Photodynamic therapy

    • Photodynamic therapy or PDT: newly available treatments.
    • Uses topical photosensitizer liquid: Liquid is applied to the skin and exposed to a light that activates the sensitizer.
    • Levulan or aminolevulinic acid and blue light that is used for treating pre-cancers such as actinic keratosis is also used under this form of treatment.
    • Acne vulgaris: may also be used to treat some of the rosacea patients.
    • PDT reduces inflammation, also pimples, and works to improve skin texture.

Glycolic peels

    • Helps to improve and control of rosacea in some of the patients.
    • The chemical peels are applied for just about two to five minutes every two-four weeks.
    • Mild stinging/ itching/ burning can also occur.
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Sun protection

    • Sun exposure is as such only harmful to skin, but for people with Rosacea, sun exposure causes flares for sufferers.
    • Sun protection: use wide-brimmed hat/ sunglasses and sunscreens
    • As rosacea tends to mostly in fair-skinned adults, the using appropriate sunscreen lotion with SPF 30 and Zinc based is must and that too daily.
    • Sun avoidance is recommended.

      Vitamins for the Treatment of Rosacea

  • Vitamin A: Taking an oral supplement of this vitamin and topical application of vitamin A lotions can help in getting rid of the irritation and itching caused by rosacea. However, you must make sure that you are not using too much vitamin A, especially if you have sensitive skin. Rosacea suffers from sensitive skin must use topical lotions containing retinaldehyde and avoid using lotions having vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B: The most effective B vitamin for patients with rosacea is cobamin or vitamin B12. It reduces the flushing sensation in the skin areas affected by rosacea. Generally, vitamin B12 comes with other vitamins form the family of vitamin B. Rosacea patient must consume 400-500 mcg of vitamin B12 every day for enjoying maximum benefits. Besides, oral supplements, one can also administer this vitamin in the form of injections; however, the injections must be taken once in a week. Medical studies designate vitamin B12 as the most effective remedy for rosacea.Although B vitamins are extremely effective in treating rosacea, rosacea sufferers must avoid using vitamin B3. Using a higher quantity of this vitamin might result in infection of the blood vessels. So, while buying multivitamins, make sure that they don’t contain vitamin B3.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is extremely effective in removing the symptoms of rosacea. This vitamin can be found in plenty of citrus fruits. However, using citrus fruits as the source of vitamin C for the treatment of rosacea can result in aggravation of the rosacea symptoms in some. So, it is better to take food supplements containing vitamin C. Regular consumption of vitamin C supplements improves the functioning of our immune system and also aids absorption of vitamin E, another beneficial vitamin for rosacea patients.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E can be obtained from food items like natural cereals, nuts, vegetable oil, and vegetables. You can also apply ointments and lotions containing vitamin E on the skin areas affected with rosacea to subside the symptoms. The antioxidant properties of this vitamin are also extremely beneficial for improving our skin health.
Rao Shab
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