Health Guide

Delicious High Protein Foods to Eat


Proteins play a major role in ensuring the health of your body. There are innumerable functions of proteins in the body. Well, the main functions of proteins include building and repairing body tissues, regulation of body processes and formation of enzymes and hormones. Read more below article to learn information about the role of the protein in the human body health.

Protein helps in the formation of antibodies that allow the body to fight infection. Protein serves as a major energy supplier. There are distinctive types of proteins, each performing a unique function in the body. Proteins form a major part of your body, in addition to water.

The composition of the protein in the body is like a muscle that contains about 1/3 protein, bones about the 1/5 and the skin is made up of 1/10 part. The other part is a protein in the body tissues and fluids. Even human blood also contains a lot of protein. In addition, the hemoglobin molecule is none other than protein.

Our bodies need protein for the purpose of maintenance and healthy growth. There is a “protein damage” that occurs constantly in the body and this explains the reason why we need to eat protein every day on a regular basis. It is important to ensure that you have a daily protein intake of the recommended amount, so that it can help improve the health and fitness of your body.

There are many ways to get protein in your diet and the easiest way is to eat natural foods high in protein.  There are best proteins sources are very good to eat. Let’s have a look one by one.

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Animal protein

1. Red Meat
Consumption of red meat such as beef, goat and sheep are good for the body. Aside from being a source of protein, red meat is also important as a source of vitamin B12 and iron heme. Vitamin B12 is a vitamin that is difficult to find in plants. Therefore, people who only consume vegetable protein have an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Heme is a type of iron which is easy to be taken by the body than non-heme. Since iron exists in red meat, you need to consume them in order to ensure the adequacy of iron in your body.

2. White Meat
Chicken is one example of white meat protein sources. Just as with the red meat, chicken also contains fat and cholesterol. Chicken fat found in many skin and the chicken thighs, so choose a piece of chicken breast.

3. Fish
Of course we all know that fish is a high-protein foods. However, unlike the flesh, we do not have to worry about the fat content in fish. Some types of fish, such as Gindara has a very low fat content. Fish such as salmon and tuna have enough fat content, but do not worry because the fat contained in it is good Omega 3 fats.

4. Milk and other dairy products
80% protein in whole milk is casein protein, while the remaining 20% is whey protein. Whey protein can be absorbed quickly by the body making it suitable to be consumed before exercise. Milk consumption can cause diarrhea in people with lactose intolerance, so it can be replaced with yogurt consumption. This is possible because the lactose in yogurt has been broken down by fermentation. L-Men also provides other solutions, namely through L-Men Hi Protein Asiatix. Low lactose content of his safe for consumption by people with lactose intolerance.

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5. Eggs
Eggs are one of the common foods to be consumed by fitness enthusiasts to meet the needs of high protein since time immemorial. Why is that? Protein quality was assessed by several parameters, one of which is the biological value (BV). The higher value means that BV protein more easily absorbed in the body. The value of BV (whole eggs) is the highest if we compared with other protein sources.

6. Anchovy
Maybe you will be surprised by this fact. Yes, the food is often overlooked (often achieved the “food of the people”) is high protein content. Despite its small size, it reaches 10% protein content. Besides protein, you can also get calcium from fish consumption. Small chili!

Vegetable Protein

7. Nuts
Although it does not provide a complete protein, beans have the highest protein in vegetable protein foods group. Those who do not consume animal-based products can use the bean to gather enough protein from their diet. There are some highest protein nuts such as peanuts and almonds. It will be better if you combine nuts with whole grain foods. As an example, a sandwich with peanut butter on whole wheat bread and brown rice and vegetables with almonds.

8. Cereals
Grains are sources of incomplete protein that can be combined with another incomplete protein food, such as nuts, and can be a serve with complete protein. For example, combining red beans and rice. Another choice that you can take in order to get a complete protein foods are combining wheat, bread wheat and corn. Many people might be unsure to combine corn and green beans, in fact, both of them can create a complete protein.

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Rao Shab
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